培养员工是你能为公司做的最有价值的事情之一. 它不仅为他们创造了个人和专业成长的机会, but it is also essential to the overall growth of your business. If your employees are not learning and growing, neither is your business. 为未来做好准备的最好方法是在你的组织中识别和培养未来的领导者.

作为一个领导者,为员工的发展制定一个有针对性的战略是影响组织文化的最重要的事情之一. This is especially true for those you would categorize as future leaders.

事实上,这可能是阻止他们离开公司的最重要因素. 在两年内离职的员工通常表示,对自己的领导技能发展方式不满意是离职的主要原因. 同时, 那些打算在公司工作五年以上的人,参与有意的个人发展过程的可能性是其他人的两倍.

然而, 当谈到为未来的成功培养员工时,许多商业领袖不知道从哪里开始. 他们认识到在员工身上投资的重要性,但通常没有正式的计划. 在大多数情况下, 员工的发展是每个经理的事情,而且没有系统的流程.

4 Ways to Develop Employees for Personal & 专业未来的成功

So, how do you develop employees for future success? Here are a few strategies you can utilize in any industry:

1. Help employees set 专业发展 goals.

帮助你的团队 专业发展 除了工作相关的目标之外,制定目标是发展员工的好方法. Encourage them to consider where they want to be in five years, and set specific goals that will help them get there.

We’ve found that it’s best to limit these goals to three per review period. 这样做可以让员工专注于他们的具体目标,并获得更可衡量的成功.

2. Intentionally invest in continuing education programs for your employees.

一些企业为追求更高学历的员工提供奖励或津贴. 但是,这并不是投资于员工持续学习和成长的唯一方法. 它可以是一些简单的事情,比如创建一个专业发展预算,员工可以用它来参加行业会议或购买有助于他们成长为领导者的书籍.

3. Encourage employees to participate in professional organizations.

参加当地的, 区域, 国家, 或者由专业机构主办的国际会议或研讨会是另一种投资于员工成长的好方法.

Getting them connected to a network offers a way to get additional support, 建议, and information on how to grow professionally and personally. It also gives the organization another ambassador for the business.

4. Delegate responsibility as a way to help employees grow.

每个领导者都知道,授权对于腾出时间去做自己最擅长的事情很重要. 但是, delegation is also beneficial for your employees. 对一些员工来说, being asked to take on additional work is highly-motivating, 因为他们觉得你信任他们,足够关心他们,帮助他们继续职业发展.

How to Identify Future Leaders in Your Organization

While there are some obvious traits leaders possess (i.e. taking initiative, working hard, good with people, etc.), here are a few specific traits you can look for:

1. Future leaders naturally attract followers.

Good leadership is contagious. If you want to identify a future leader on your team, look for the person everyone enjoys being around. 如果人们现在尊重这个人,他们就会更容易尊重他或她的领导.

2. Future leaders are easy to spot in meetings.

This doesn’t mean they’re always the ones sharing their ideas. 而不是, potential leaders are the ones asking the right questions, 学习更多, and even challenging the status quo.

3. Future leaders can solve problems.

Good leaders are problem-solvers. If you want to identify a potential future leader in your organization, 看看他或她是否有解决问题的天赋,并积极主动地提出解决方案.

4. Future leaders bring valuable ideas to your team.

Good leaders feed off the ideas and thoughts of others. 如果你认为一个人可能有能力成为你组织的关键领导者, bring him or her in on a higher-level meeting and see how the interaction goes. 他提供价值吗?? Is she honest in her ideas and opinions? If so, that person is displaying what it takes to champion great ideas.

5. Future leaders can handle pressure.

Pressure is the catalyst for turning a piece of coal into a diamond. If you want to identify and develop leaders within your organization, give them a task or an assignment that pushes them out of their comfort zone. 你将能够看到他们如何处理任何领导角色所带来的压力.

Depending on the size of your organization, 你可能有2-3到20-30个具备成长为领导者的特质的人. The next step is to help them grow.

How to Develop Future Leaders in Your Organization

If you want to be intentional about developing future leaders in your organization, here are a few keys to consider:

1. 创建一个导师计划.

Developing leaders takes intentionality. It doesn’t happen without having systems and processes in place to support it. This doesn’t have to be complicated. 这可以很简单,比如每月举办一次棕色午餐,或者允许老一代员工提前几个小时下班,带年轻一代员工下班后去喝咖啡.

2. 帮助老一辈领导人看到在年轻一代领导人身上投资的价值.

鼓励你的高级经理成为年轻领导者的导师和榜样. 这将有助于未来的领导者更快地掌握窍门,并在领导他人的过程中养成良好的习惯.

3. Empower future leaders with responsibility even if it means they might fail.

当年轻的领导者被赋予权力时,他们就会对赋予他们的权力负有深刻的责任. 然而, many young leaders are afraid to take risks that might cause them to fail. 鼓励年轻领导者承担风险,帮助他们度过未知的局面,这是培养忠诚度和帮助他们成长的一种非常有价值的方式.

Will You Embrace the Need to Develop Future Leaders?

培养(或缺乏)未来领导者的概念只不过是“people leave managers, not companies.“然而, 建立一个培养领导者的体系不仅仅是为了在短期内提高员工的留任率. 更重要的是:它能让你对你所领导的人产生终身的影响.

What’s the Right Employee Development Program for Your Business?

每个企业都是由拥有各种激情、兴趣和才能的独特个体组成的. 如果你不确定如何为你的团队制定最好的员工发展计划, we at LBMC就业伙伴 can help. 与我们联系 今天来看看我们如何帮助您为员工制定职业发展计划. 明升体育app下载团队可以与您合作,就您在组织中培养未来领导者的想法和挑战进行合作.
